F E S T I V A L   2 0 0 3 É D E R   S A N T O S  



8 - 25 May, 2003
PTA Amsterdam


World Wide highlights Brazilian artist Éder Santos by presenting a wide selection of his work. He will also produce two new works, commissioned by the festival. Santos lives in Belo Horizonte, where he is currently working on The Encyclopedia of Ignorance, an installation about the experience of mortal sins and the intense emotions they can evoke. Structured like an encyclopedia, these emotions and sins are treated as 'entries' or lemmas. Santos relates traditional values, modern taboos and the emotions of human relationships by juxtaposing them, causing a certain alienation and raising critical questions.

From February through May, 2003, Santos will be artist-in-residence in Amsterdam. Just like in Framed by Curtain, his video on Hong Kong, during his stay he will work on a poetic video essay about cosmopolitan Amsterdam. In this video Santos will examine his experience of the city from the position of a foreigner and outsider, analyzing the rhythm and daily routines of the city. The artist-in-residence program is supported by the Amsterdam Art Fund.

Works by Éder Santos have been presented regularly at the World Wide Video Festival:

1990 - Não vou à Africa porque tenho plantæao
1993 - Janaúba
1996 - Enredando as pessoas
1997 - Passagem de Mariana
1998 - Tumitinhas
1999 - Framed by Curtain
2001 - Projeto Apollo
2001 - Nuño Ramos: Acidente Geográfico

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