This tape, a strange succession of memories and stories with an autobiographical touch, seems to be connected almost subconsciously. By means of a clear division into equally structured sections, apparently futile memories and events are woven into a network of associations that reverberate in the different worlds. Using the frayed aesthetics of Quick Time black & white movies of performing difficult manoeuvres with one hand - such as opening a tin of food, putting on a sock or tying a knot - connections are made with ordinary video images and voice-overs which then recall memories. These stories are connected in a somewhat artificial way to the 'impossibilities'. Thus we have a story about the father who gave his children lessons in knot tying as a part of sailing lessons, a story about a dead cat, or a memory of rows of tinned food stored in a cellar and an erotic contact with a girlfriend all connected crossways to the Quick Time images. There is an implication that the memory process is always ambiguous and always immediately evokes other memories. Attributes and symbols overlap and make new stories possible. The doorway to the past is actually making something accessible that is not there yet, something that is not easy to do. Although it might be possible with considerable practice. The handicap can be overcome.
– Willem van Weelden
Kristine Diekman ° 1956, Chicago (USA)
Lives and works in San Diego (USA)