This video is based on 'Las Ruinas Circulares' by the Argentine poet and writer Jorge Luis Borges (Buenos Aires 1899 - Geneva 1986), one of the most important authors of his country. His poems are often personal and charged with metaphor and intellectualism. Borges also wrote essays and literary prose, and adhered to his own philosophy: solipsism. 'Noche y niebla' or 'Nacht und Nebel' was the name of a secret order issued by Adolf Hitler during the Second World War, on 7 December 1941. This order stated that all persons who were a threat to German security in the occupied territories in western Europe were to be arrested, killed or got rid of in some other way. The order was a reaction to increased activity by the French resistance. The exact number of people who died as a direct result of this remains unknown, although it is certain that at least seven thoUSAnd people were transported to concentration camps in the name of 'Nacht und Nebel'. Marinho and Ostera start off with images of fire, announcing the beginning of the end (both literally and figuratively, as the tape ends with these images as well). We see black & white X-rays of body parts and human bodily fluids: teeth, hair, blood, saliva, nails, eyelashes. These human parts are shown in an abstract way, disconnected from the body itself, as if awaiting inspection or identification. They are shrouded in grey fog and described in three languages (Spanish, English and French). Not a lot more is being said. Maybe there is not much more to say. The title already contains the story.
– Marieke van Hal
Music: Fernando KabUSAcki, Editing: Angel Garcia Zinsel
Arturo Marinho ° 1963, General Arenales (Argentina)
Lives and works in Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Andrea Ostero ° 1967, Salto Grande (Argentina)
Lives and works in Rosaria (Argentina)