A R C H I V E1 9 8 3  
  Richard Feist
The Ambassadors of Another Persuasion
  USA / Germany 1982
10:00, colour
More than thirty-five years after the battle for Berlin, Reagan visits the 'occupied' city, leading to heated demonstrations. Reagan has his interests, diametrically opposed to those of the demonstrators. Meanwhile the television announcer is only interested in not losing his job. In 1982 another attack takes place in the National Gallery in Berlin on the painting 'Who's Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue IV' by Barnett Newman, a controversial purchase. At the same time there is a difference of opinion between local authorities and inhabitants about decorating houses. It becomes clear that linen is still used for painting on, certainly when it comes to banners.

Voice: Marr Grounds, Reporter: Lorraine Mutke