A R C H I V E1 9 8 3  
  Rapid Deployment Theater Forces
Everyone Understands Freedom
  USA 1982
16:00, colour
An unusual way to protest against the continuation of economic and military aid to El Salvador by the United States. To show the state of human rights in El Salvador, an audience of lunching office workers in Washington DG is treated to the sight of soldiers/actors brutally kidnapping secretaries/actresses. Despite the fact that the demonstration was authorized, the police intervenes and uses force to overpower the pseudo-soldiers with their mock rifles. The demonstration is rounded off with an acted execution in front of the White House.

Camera: Eddie Becker, Jose Varela, Editing: John Spillane, Music: Rebecca Rice, Rumisonkos, Holly Near, With: Teatro Nuestro and others, Production: Nancy Garruba, Chris Hornig