A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Tanja den Broeder
De Vita Longa
  The Netherlands 1990
Performance, 26:03, colour, stereo
Five monitors stand stacked up like a 'video totem pole'. In an ode to water and air, Tanja den Broeder dances her solo, rhythmically, like the waves that wash onto the coast, like the wind that plays from various directions. She swims through the water. She smashes it, paints with white paint on the naked body as if in a ritual. Blue is the sea, blue the water, blue the air and blue the image of her body, taken up in the elements. Like a curtain which is closed and opens for the various scenes, white fluid is poured over the picture. And when the waves have calmed down somewhat, triangular shapes are left in which brief images of her dance remain visible. A subsequent sequence shows her torso in which triangular blue shapes move downwards like a tangram game, as if in the process of digestion. Then they move up again, integrated into the respiration.

Sonja van der Burg

Live dance: Tanja den Broeder, Video dance: Niki Lemmers, Ada Rumping, Production: Fin du siècle