A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Alexander Hahn
Dirt site
  USA 1990
Videotape, 15:30, colour, stereo
Hahn digs further into the subconscious. Searching for our deeper self, searching for lost knowledge and power. An area that has since become inaccessible owing to the entanglements of our urbanised technological world. A world that is nothing more than an illusion. 'Dirt site' puts this area, this lost continent - the Atlantis of the inner soul - back onto the map. It is a labyrinth in which our devitalised connection with nature (illustrated by a very earthy use of colour) is seen as the root of all evil. Hahn knows better than anybody else how to relate in his work the video image to the computerised image. 'Dirt site' is spell-binding and intriguing.

Erik Quint

Voices: Diana Payne-Myers, Rory Minnis, Michael Duffy