A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Madelon Hooykaas & Elsa Stansfield
  The Netherlands 1989
Videotape, 15:28, colour, stereo
As star travellers we find ourselves at a location in space, on the earth, within the period of December 22 to June 22. Seen from the northern hemisphere, this is the period in which winter falls, the days between the 'shortest' and the 'longest' day. A period of repentance and rest, of renewal and rebirth. The play of light and shadow through frosted windows; pacing figures in a cold and clammy landscape. Images loom up from ancient meeting places where this period was ceremoniously celebrated, like Stonehenge. Slow, long shadows accompany the wind that whistles through clothes and cracks and whose sound refers to the letter S, the first letter that Marconi sent across the Atlantic in December 1910 using wireless telegraphy, the S of star, of Stonehenge, of spider And as spiders in their web, the receivers stand, eagerly gazing upwards, greedily receiving and consuming every vibration, hungry for news, for reports, sounds, signs of life in these days when it seems that the sun has stopped moving.

Sonja van der Burg

Music: Frances-Marie Uitti, Sound editing: Robert Bosch