A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Pavel Hacirek
Original videojournal (1987-1989)
  Czechoslovakia 1987-1989
Videotape, colour, mono
When the CNN cameras were also set up in Prague and the disintegration of the East block could be followed live on all stations in the living rooms of the West, Pavel Kacirek took it all as read. His task was completed: for two years he had been making highly illegal video reports. Reports covering the hopeful preparations for the velvet revolution, but also the fruitless attempts to enforce reforms. In his reports it is not yet evident that communist regimes will collapse at the end of 1989, and at such a speed that one would think there was an Olympic gold medal to be won. We see Vaclav Havel, perfectly calm, going on a picnic with a dissidents club of Charta members, an image more timeless than all the live reports distributed wholesale by Western television in the autumn of 1989.

André Nientied