A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Marcelo Tas
Varela em Serra Pelada
  Brazil 1984
Videotape, 18:33, colour, mono
In the middle of the jungle in the Amazones, about 40,000 Brazilians are working diligently at digging a large, muddy pit. The aim is to find valuable gold, the gold that must save Brazil from ruin, with which they hope to be able to pay off their debts and to support the national economy. A temporary village is built to house and feed the men (for there are no women or children). This village is called Serra Pelada, 'bare earth', something it certainly was not, but has become; a very fitting name. Varela, the nickname of a fictitious TV reporter, succeeds in a very humoristic way in denouncing the harrowing conditions. The reason for a hunt through the city is the fact that the camera man has lost the reporter's luggage and he now misses his tie. Everywhere they ask for a shop that sells ties, but ties are not fashionable in Serra Pelada where slippers, or worn out trainers, shorts and a T-shirt, sometimes accompanied by a head scarf or a hat, are all that is worn.

Sonja van der Burg

Script, directing, editing: Marcelo Tas, Fernando Meirelles, Camera: Fernando Meirelles, With: Ernesto Varela, Production: Abril Video, Olhar Electrônico