A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Paul Tassi
Remember flavor
  USA 1989
Videotape, 10:28, black-and-white, mono
Like senses that have stored memories in the head, phrases, with appropriate images, loom up out of a story. The taste from the past, the house where we lived, from which we moved. The taste of love and once again journeying in time on the feet that carry us. The aroma of something wonderful which wells up when she closes her eyes causes her fork and spoon to leave, travelling down the road to a picnic spot and to enjoy salad and roast chicken. The moon comes up and quickly goes down again, but fortunately we are put at ease by a talking zeppelin that whispers to us: "Don't worry, you are doing well!". Entertainment illustrates memories like herbs in a meal and from the image of the fair with the merry-go-rounds and the elephants, the man runs once again to the city, yes, he can still remember that he moved from the country to the city where everything tasted different and the clock ticks on, continues, rotates.

Sonja van der Burg