A R C H I V E1 9 9 7  
  Éder Santos & Paulo Santos
Passagem de Mariana
  Brazil 1996
Anyone who commits a sin, breaks moral prescriptions or commandments. The realization of having committed a sin is broadly speaking universal, irrespective of the religion involved. The sinner feels guilty because he has not been obeyed God’s law. This can be Allah, Yahweh, Krishna or another superior being. It is also possible that there is no deity involved at all. The sinner feels his sins though. Everybody has behaved very badly to another at some time, or, for example, has been greedy, very angry, or burst out in rage, or behaved improperly in some other way. Pride, avarice, lasciviousness, envy, gluttony, anger and sloth, those are the now classic seven deadly sins which we regularly come across in our daily life. They are expressed in this experimental music and video spectacle. Seven wigwams of a modern kind represent the seven deadly sins and together form a kind of Indian village. In each tent there is a musiciansan playing an instrument. Images about the sin are projected onto the fabric of the tent and onto a large screen behind. Texts by Sandra Penna with themes related to the deadly sins also appear on this screen. Lights in the tents show us the musiciansans in dark silhouette. The exotic music composed by Paulo Santos, sweeps the audience along on an adventure trip through this wondrous village. Strange kinds of noises can be heard, always in another tent; together, these form a remarkable composition. As audience, you get the feeling of having been a long way away. Is it the three hundred year old Brazilian city 'Mariana' where we are being led? Éder and Paolo Santos have created a total experience of image, Music, Light and text. It no longer seems relevant that this is all about the seven deadly sins. They have of course already been forgotten and forgiven.

– Marieke van Hal

7 video players, 7 projectors, 7 tents, 7 musiciansans
